Neurologic Health
Cognitive and neurological health refers to the health of the brain and peripheral nerves. It can determine how efficiently the brain communicates with the body while maintaining a host of other functions such as memory, judgment, language, spacial sensing, recognition, processing colors, images and numbers as well as the ability to learn.
Issues with cognitive or neurological health can create many symptoms. These include
- Memory loss
- Brain Fog
- Vertigo/Dizziness
- Depression
- Poor balance
- Disrupted sleep
- Headache
- Nerve Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Movement or coordination problems
- Attention issues
Age-Related Neurological Problems
It is common for an aging adult to suffer from mild cognitive impairment, including loss of memory, for example the inability to quickly remember names and numbers, which doesn’t hugely impact their ability to maintain necessary daily activities. When cognitive decline is more severe and greatly impacts normal daily activities and relationships, it is typically diagnosed as dementia. There are many causes of dementia, some of which are genetically determined, others may be medication induced. However, there are environmental and nutritional aspects to consider when faced with new onset of symptoms, new diagnosis, or if hoping to prevent memory decline.
For example, though Alzheimer’s Disease cannot be cured to date, there are holistic therapies that may delay its onset.There is some evidence that individuals may be able to prevent Alzheimer’s when adopting a healthy lifestyle earlier in life, including clean eating, limiting alcohol intake, avoiding smoking, regular exercise and meditation.

Neurological Issues not Age-Related
Other health issues that may not be age-related can be cognitive and neurological in nature. Depression and anxiety disorders oftentimes point to cognitive problems, but are not treated as such.
Brain injuries like concussion, medication side effects or a vitamin B12 deficiency can bring about cognitive issues or nerve related problems that aren’t always properly resolved with therapy after they are diagnosed.
Typically, treatments for neurological problems include some form of medication and possibly counseling. These alone can be helpful for many, and can also be enhanced by a holistic approach. However, some do not like the side effects of medications, and may find relief through a holistic treatment plan, which may include meaningful lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, using herbal remedies and consideration of genetic factors, especially genetic factors that affect enzyme processes or nutrient utilization in the body.
If you are interested in a holistic approach to neurological health, feel free to schedule a complimentary phone consultation to see what the best next steps are for you.
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